Scarlet D. AWC Profile

woman working out AWC profile

By: Geoffrey Mosher

How did you get started at the AWC?

SD: I just noticed the facility and how beautiful it is and thought, “maybe it’s time to get off the couch and just do something. The space inspired me. I thought this is a really beautiful, unusual gym with all the light. So I thought I’ll try it.”

What about the building made this facility so attractive?

SD: All the light. You see some gyms and they’re tucked away… in a basement. The AWC makes you feel good. I think we’re very lucky to have this. In the beginning, we had to pay, but now it’s free to all employees. Why not use it?

What’s your favourite part of working with the AWC trainers?

SD: Josh (Delgado) is my trainer and what I love about him is that he always motivates me and always pushes me to try a little harder.

How I normally train with Josh is… usually, I would hire him every three to four months and I tell him what I want to work on and then Josh puts a program together and we will work out together. Then I will try on my own just to do what he has suggested. After three or four months I kind of get bored of it and I say okay it’s time, we should meet again. Give me something different or maybe I’m not doing this one correctly, help me correct my technique.

He gets me started and then on my own I have my list, and I try to follow his instructions.

Scarlet’s preferred type of training is different from other personal training. Scarlet works out on her own mostly but meets up with Josh every couple of months to get a new program and learn some different things and then goes back to training on her own. This is a different format for training that is more economical and independent than more active one-on-one forms of personal training.

SD: Everybody is very different. Some people like to go to a class, be there at a certain time and follow an instructor. I’m a more independent person; I like to do my workout when I want to do it, I like to listen to my music. (Josh) taught me enough foundational stuff that I can figure it out.

I might not have a great day every day working out, but I’m here and I’m doing something. I’m not at home sitting on the couch.

How often do you work out and what motivates you?

SD: I try to (work out) five days a week. It’s not always that way, but four or five times a week.

I see results and I just want to keep that up and improve. Josh usually has good suggestions to work towards something that keeps me motivated.

What results have you seen?

SD: A lot of toning, muscle definition. One day… I’m walking and I see my reflection and I’m like “what is that, what’s going on with my arms?” I have changed. You may not notice your results right away, but eventually, you will.

Do you have any advice for others looking to get fit?

SD: Start off with something really simple. Even in the beginning when I didn’t have a lot of time, I would come at lunchtime and walk the track. Pick your favourite music and start walking. Start to make it a routine with something really simple. Once you’re in a routine then add things and challenge yourself.

Name: Scarlet D.

Position: Support Staff, School of Community and Health Studies Progress Campus

Member at AWC: 5+ years since October 2012

Goal: 5 chin ups and join Olympic Weightlifting team