
Lift Your Spirits
By Geoffrey Mosher AWC Member Spotlight: The Courier selects AWC member success stories to motivate you to get involved and get fit. How did you get started training at the AWC? I just decided one day that I needed to get in shape. I’d sort of been sitting around for...

Scarlet D. AWC Profile
By: Geoffrey Mosher How did you get started at the AWC? SD: I just noticed the facility and how beautiful it is and thought, “maybe it’s time to get off the couch and just do something. The space inspired me. I thought this is a really beautiful, unusual gym with all...

Strong Bones For Life
By: Justin Mistry Slowing the Effects of Osteoporosis Through Nutrition Osteoporosis is a condition defined as a decrease in bone density. It is estimated that about 50% of women over the age of 50 will have a bone fracture related to osteoporosis. In this article,...

Why College Students Should Workout
The growing reality is that the college student lifestyle is often associated with poor food choices, poor sleeping habits, weight gain and increasingly with mental health issues. Lucky enough for students there is a simple, cost-effective way to begin combating all...

Improve Your Sleep Habits
By Joshua Delgado, Fitness Services Coordinator Lack of quality sleep is becoming more and more of an epidemic. While working with our members in the AWC it is one of the top problems we hear that prevents one from better results in the gym. Sleeping issues can become...

AWC Profile
By Geoffrey Mosher How did you get started at the AWC? I work here so it’s an easy option. I started running in 2012 and I ran a lot for those two or three years and then I was starting to get a little bit bored. I had a couple of colleagues who did these classes so I...

Do You Have Good Posture?
Even without a professional assessment, most people will be quick to answer that no, they do not have good posture. Why? Sometimes it is as obvious as a visual imbalance in the neck, shoulder and upper back area. Sometimes it is from symptoms of pain, discomfort,...

AWC Update – Spring Health Reset
By: Joshua Delgado Spring is the perfect time for a health and wellness reset. The weather is improving and we all may want to start becoming more physically active especially outdoors. A great place to start is booking your annual physical check-up with your health...

What Are You Made Of?
By Joshua Delgado The fluctuation of body weight is common. In a lifetime, our body weight goes up and down so many times it is almost impossible to keep track. There are even daily variations to our weight. Our weight changes every time we eat, sleep, go to the...

Why ab exercises alone are often not enough to get you that flat stomach! By Ron Simeon [email protected] One of the most common questions I get as a trainer is “how do I get a flat stomach?” or “what are some exercises that burn stomach fat?”. While I...